You Can Win Again!

If you’re experiencing defeat due to a failure in your personal life or career, my coaching program “You Can Win Again!” may be a great option for you.  Listen to this wise person, “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.”  My three pronged coaching program is designed to rebuild your personal power.  As you engage with me you will see a noticeable difference in the way you dress, the way you talk, and the way you approach the life you’ve been given.

I remember after my setback, I would stay in the house all day drinking beer, watching martial arts movies and playing Tupac’s All Eyes on Me double CD set.  Talk about depressed; I was down.  Everything that had gone wrong in my life took center stage and my mind said, you’re done; it’s over for you, stop dreaming, stop planning for success; this is the end.  And I’d grab another beer, a glass of wine and just languish in my mess.  All I was waiting for was my supervisor to call me in and end my career.  I had worked in that field 13 years and now I had gone into a dark place from which most people never recover.  Humiliated, embarrassed, and plain distraught I resolved to just live on my pension and let others have all the fun that success brings.

But thank God, my faith did not die.  God sent me an angel, in fact he sent me host of angels.  People came to me with assurance that I could win again; over and over they came until finally my strength began to return.  I accepted the fact that I didn’t have to stay in my broken state; I could indeed be transformed.  My favorite book is the Bible and I found a story that climaxed with this statement, “And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do.”  Faith in this person’s story empowered me to believe that I too could win again.

My spirit overruled my mind; I got my body together; renewed my mind; and began to fight my way out of that horrible place.  I would love to share with you the path that led me back to strength of mind and spirit; the path that empowered me to win again.  If you’re in that place, let me coach you back to spiritual, mental, and physical strength.  This virtual mastermind group begins soon.  Give yourself a gift of new purpose for the holidays.  Enter the New Year by becoming a New You!  You can win again!

With me as your coach, you will be educated, motivated, and challenged to soar!  You will engage in practical exercises designed to move you from mourning your loss to celebrating your new life.  Your friends and family will be inspired by your ability to win again and what better payoff can you have than to regain your self-confidence!  This program works; how do I know; I know because I tested it on me!  If you’re interested email me at or inbox me with your contact information.  Join me and discover “You Can Win Again!”



#brandstorychallenge #day7

Published by Earl J. Griffin, Sr.

As a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Teacher and Speaker, I can offer you workshops, seminars, keynote speaking, and coaching, aiding your personal and professional growth through study and practical application of John’s proven leadership methods. For over 40 years, my tract record as a proven leader has been exemplary both in the United States Army and as a Pastor in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. As a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Mentor, and Speaker, I use this expertise and experience to help leaders grow to their full potential. Coupled with my John Maxwell Certification is my Master of Science degree in Leadership Development, from Walden University. I am uniquely skilled at helping corporate leaders in the areas of human resources development programs, middle and executive leader development programs, and mentoring practices within the workplace. Both my professional time as an Organizational Development Specialist within the United States Army and my tenure as Senior Pastor within my church help me assist leaders in resolving the ethical dilemmas of leadership and developing the cultural skills necessary to lead in diverse multi-cultural organizations. Let's develop a sustainable relationship that benefits both your organization and that helps you achieve your personal leadership goals.

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